Artwork to Hire

Here at The Prop Collective we are constantly expanding the artists we represent for our 'Artwork for Hire' collection. We love supporting local artists and seeing their work on the big screen. We are thrilled to be able to share their work with you, for your next production. You'll find style guide pictures of each artists work below and a quick blurb. 
Please send us an email at with the artists name you are interested in or a brief description of what you are after. We will send you an up to date list of what pieces are available for you to hire right now, along with our prices. 
The Prop Collective manages all clearance paperwork on behalf of the artists to streamline the process and ensure it's a quick and easy outcome for all. 




Nadia Dusselberg is a Melbourne based artist with vivid and exciting artwork in a huge range of colours and sizes ranging from illustrations on paper to mixed media artworks of all sizes.